PSMC is a 501c(3) nonprofit that promotes scientific and educational activities related to fungi and fosters the appreciation of wild and cultivated mushrooms.
What We Do
We hold mushroom hunts, or forays, around Iowa every year. You do not need to be a member to join scheduled forays. If you are interested in leading a foray, have suggestions for foray locations, or wish to host one on your own property, contact us at foray@iowamushroom.org!
Find a cool mushroom? You can contact our Identification Committee for ID help.
For accidental ingestion cases, contact Poison Control and Poisons Help; Emergency Identification For Mushrooms & Plants for professional advice and quick response time.
Workshops and Seminars
PSMC is often invited to give talks and presentations by other organizations. We will also be hosting our own seminars, and local workshops. Reach out if you are interested in partnering with us for an event!