Celebrate Iowa’s natural world with this new hands-on festival showcasing the wild and wonderful flora and fauna of our region, as well as outdoor recreation activities. Grab food from local food trucks and enjoy a day spent exploring Johnson County’s Kent Park.
Activities will include:
Live raptor meet & greets w/Raptology
Native plant sale w/Troutleaf Native Plants
Guided bird walks w/Iowa City Bird Club
Mushroom forays and specimen study with Prairie States Mushroom Club
Plein Air Painting w/Arts Iowa City’s ArtiFactory
Fishing with Johnson County Conservation
Hawk watch w/Iowa City Bird Club
Reptile demonstrations & habitat walks w/Extant Relatives & Backyard Abundance
Pollinator education w/Pollinator Partnership
Nature Trivia w/Iowa Master Naturalists
Hands-on milkweed seed ball making with Johnson County Master Gardeners of Iowa
Featured education speakers
DIY Bird Decal-making station
Animal Biofacts education stations
Bird Nest Education & Native Seed Ball giveaway with Indian Creek Nature Center
Mysteries of Migration activity stations
& more
Bring an appetite! Local food stands Griddle Me This and Luna’s Tacos of Iowa City will be on site cooking up delicious food to enjoy throughout this event.
More activity stations will be hosted by Trees Forever, as well as additional partner groups.